segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2009

Marquês dos pântanos #4

«[Sheila:] I was preparing for my chemistry finals around that time (...). I remember one night when I couldn't sleep because John was downstairs with Marc Bolan and they were playing an advance copy of Tommy by The Who over and over again with the volume cranked up (...). Traditionally their late-night sessions revolved around a mutual passion for Scalectrix. John and Marc had set up a sprawling Scalectrix track that had begun to colonise the house, room by room, until almost every inch of carpet, every surface, was obscured. There was constant music in the house, but now this was joined by a new sound audible in the spaces between songs: the tinny crackle of toy cars negotiating complex slaloms.»

(in "Margrave of the Marshes", John Peel and Sheila Ravenscroft, ed. Corgi Books, 2006)

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